Last updated

Create a full user

Trustap supports two types of users.

  1. Full Users – Have a Trustap account and can receive payouts (required for sellers).
  2. Guest Users – Limited functionality, cannot receive payouts.

A seller must become a full user to receive payouts.

Step 1: Request an authorization code from Trustap SSO

Create a button “Register with Trustap” that will redirect the user to Trustap to the following URL.

. '?client_id=' . $CLIENT_ID
. '&redirect_uri=' . $REDIRECT_URI
. '&scope=openid p2p_tx:offline_create_join p2p_tx:offline_accept_deposit p2p_tx:offline_cancel p2p_tx:offline_confirm_handover’
. '&state=' . $state

For example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Register with Trustap</title>
    <h2>Register as a Full User on Trustap</h2>
    <button onclick="redirectToTrustap()">Register with Trustap</button>

        function redirectToTrustap() {
            // Replace these values with your actual credentials
            const clientId = "65697990-9f1c-4e11-8d67-12345160c50a";
            const redirectUri = encodeURIComponent("*");
            const state = "random_state_string"; // This should be a random unique string for security
            // Define the scopes needed
            const scope = encodeURIComponent("openid p2p_tx:offline_create_join p2p_tx:offline_accept_deposit p2p_tx:offline_cancel p2p_tx:offline_confirm_handover");
            // Construct the Trustap authentication URL
            let realm = "trustap-stage";
            if (isProduction) {
                realm = "trustap";
            const trustapAuthUrl = `${realm}/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=${clientId}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}&response_type=code&scope=${scope}&state=${state}`;
            // Redirect the user to Trustap
            window.location.href = trustapAuthUrl;

Step 2: User consents to scopes

The user must give permission (consent) to the partner (client) to perform certain Trustap actions on their behalf. The scopes define what actions can be performed using the API (like creating/joining transactions, accepting transactions, and so on).

Step 3: Register on Trustap

After consenting, the user completes the Trustap account setup.

Step 4: Receive the authorization code on your server

  1. Once the user registers, Trustap redirects the user to the redirect URI with a code parameter.
  2. Your server exchanges this code for access tokens by making a POST request to Trustap:



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


client_id = {client_id}
client_secret = {client_secret}
grant_type = authorization_code
redirect_uri = {redirect_uri}
response_type = code
scope = openid p2p_tx:offline_create_join p2p_tx:offline_accept_deposit p2p_tx:offline_cancel p2p_tx:offline_confirm_handover p2p_tx:offline_complain p2p_tx:offline_claim
code = {code} (received in the previous step)
  1. Store the Trustap Full User ID in your database. This is retrieved from the id_token. The ID token is encoded as a JWT, and that the user ID is stored in the uid claim.

  2. Redirect the seller back to Trustap’s profile completion page:{CLIENT_ID}